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 ‘Wildwood’ is a collection of wallhangings inspired by the natural woodland found on Scotland’s west coast where a unique habitat is formed of Atlantic hazel and oak. This natural woodland is recognised for its valuable biodiversity, rich with detail, shape and colour. Mosses form thick carpets over rocks and leaning branches. Mottled textures and colours of fungi and lichen on hazel stems are illuminated by light filtering through a dense canopy.

The depth of woodland is created by layers of detail on bold structures with areas of darkness and light. This is echoed in the screen printing process, each shape and colour was applied one on top of the other using paper stencils. The collection finds a balance between repetitive pattern and the chaos inherent in the natural world. ‘Wildwood’ is a collection of eighteen unique wallhangings designed to bring the colour, shapes and patterns of Scottish woodland in abstract form to homes and spaces.